Differences Between Veneers And Lumineers

Veneer and lumineers are important terms used in dentistry. A veneer is a thin layer of restorative material placed over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface. There are two main types of material used to fabricate a veneer, composite and dental porcelain. A composite veneer may be directly placed in the mouth, or indirectly fabricated by a dental technician in a dental laboratory, typically using a resin cement such as Panavia. In contrast, a porcelain veneer may only be indirectly fabricated. Veneers were invented by a California dentist named Charles Pincus. They were, however, at that time useful for temporarily changing the appearance of actors' teeth. The cost of veneers can vary depending on the experience and location of the dentist.
Currently, costs range anywhere from $1000 a tooth upwards to $2500 per tooth as of 2009. Porcelain veneers are said to be somewhat more durable and less likely to stain than veneers made of composite. Veneers are an important tool for the cosmetic dentist. Non-permanent dental veneers are available.
Lumineers are ultra-thin, permanent smile enhancers that transform worn, misshapen, broken, and discolored teeth into the most naturally, beautiful smile possible! Lumineers can only be made from Cerinate Porcelain. Lumineers are dental veneers made of a unique porcelain known as Cerinate by Den-Mat Holdings, LLC that allows the patient to easily remove the veneers due to the lack of modification required to the tooth to apply the veneer. Although some etching does occur in the procedure, there is no local anesthesia required in the procedure to apply Lumineers, due to lack of shaving required in other dental veneer procedure. The Lumineers name also applies to crowns known as Lumineers 360 Full Coverage Crowns that use the same Cerinate porcelain and thin design to create minimally invasive crowns.
Lumineers are marketed to dentists and patients through business-to-business and direct-to-consumer advertising. Dentists coordinate with Den-Mat in the sale and manufacture of Lumineers, and are custom-designed for each patient by Den-Mat's lab and placed by dentists. They are currently manufactured in the United States, and are distributed in 68 countries worldwide. Lumineers are installed by a dentist, typically the one who orders them. They can be installed one at a time, or the dentist can use the LumiTray, which is a dental tray in which 6-10 veneers are pre-placed by the lab in order to facilitate the placement of multiple veneers at once. In many cases, only two visits are necessary for installation. Lumineers' straightening properties serve as a viable alternative to braces. Lumineers can be placed over crowns and over dental bridge work.
At a professional dental office, veneers and lumineers are installed without any pain in an hour and just two sittings. The procedure requires no anesthetic or shots. Long-term clinical research with Lumineers by Cerinate shows 100% retention with no discoloration. So far, no post-operative sensitivity has been reported.

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vance smith said...

Thank you for explaining the difference veneers would be the best option for me.

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